Episode 58 – How HALE is keeping you safe

Keeping you safe is every coaches priority. Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives, and we are working through

In today’s very special podcast, we are talking about how HALE is keeping our community safe during these trying times.

Episode 57 – 12 workouts in 12 days, an annual tradition

Tradition is important to everyone and coaches know that the holidays are a special time of year; but they also know that it can be daunting to stay fit.

In this special episode, Coach Jay, Coach Heidi and Coach Rebecca talk about our annual 12 workouts in 12 days tradition!

Episode 56 – Surviving the Holidays with Coach Tina

Even coaches struggle with staying fit during the holidays! The idea of enjoying your holidays and staying fit are not mutually exclusive!

Join us as Coach Tina; a nutrition specialist, gives us tips and tricks to staying sane and fit during the holidays!

Ep 55 – From Athlete to mom to athlete again; Ruth Douglas’ Journey

Coaches know that it´s hard to always be on top of your game, specially after real life rears its head in the door; but perseverance and a strong will can keep you going and show you that even the uncomfortable times can mean something good in the end.

Today we have a very special episode, where Coach Jay talks to Ruth Douglas about her amazing journey through fitness and life in general.

Episode 54 – Getting started at home w/ Coach Mike

Coaches struggle with complexity too, and things got way more complicated after quarantine hit, but that does not mean we need to get fancy to get active!

Today we sit down and talk with Coach Mike and talk about his experiences exclusively working out at home, what his set up is like, and how he manages to get results while at home!

Episode 53: Working out at home W/ Coach Heidi

Quarantine has got us all at staying at home. But it doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of the time we spend at the house!

Today, Coach Heidi and Coach Jay talk about their experiences staying in – and working on their inside game!

Episode 52: Do coaches struggle with nutrition?

Being a coach doesn’t mean you have it all figured out. The only thing coaches have figured out is how to get past their struggles faster!

Today, Coach Wendy and Coach Jay talk about their current struggles with nutrition, and how they get past them.

Episode 50: The best shape of your life after 35?

Can you get into the best shape of your life after 35? We believe you can, and have hundreds of examples to prove it to you. Today we talk about some of those stories, and give you tips on how to get started.

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Jay Williams, Founder

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