Living Better Podcast – Ep. 45 – Coach Heidi Gets Real
In this episode, Hale coach Heidi shares her journey from athlete to overweight to CrossFit coach. Coach Heidi Gets Real Coach Heidi has been an athlete all her life: Dance. Biking. Baseball. Football. Rugby. Swimming. Volleyball. Basketball. Skiing. Snowboarding. But that doesn’t mean she’s never struggled with her fitness. Shortly before joining Hale in 2013, […]
Living Better Podcast – Ep. 44 – Becoming Coach Dave
In this episode, Hale coach Dave shares how he went from member to coach and what he’s learned along the way. Becoming Coach Dave You’ve seen him at the front of class. Maybe he’s cued you through a technical lift or high-fived you after a PR. Or maybe you’ve watched him overhead squat and wished […]
Living Better Podcast – Ep. 43 – Ann Mary’s Metamorphosis
In this episode, Hale member Ann Mary shares how she prioritized her nutrition and fitness to lose almost 100 lb. while also balancing a busy career as a lawyer. Ann Mary’s Metamorphosis Before starting CrossFit at Hale about a year ago, Ann Mary had been inactive for years. Though she was a distance runner in […]
Living Better Podcast – Ep. 40 – Dee: “Suck It Up and Drive On.”
In this episode, Dee shares how CrossFit helped her get mentally and physically stronger after her mother’s death. Dee: “Suck It Up and Drive On.” Dee had been a cardio fanatic all her life, but when her mother passed away in 2013, she needed something different to distract her and help her process the loss. […]
Living Better Podcast – Ep. 39 – Kenny Kicks Butt; Loses Gut
How Kenny lost 35 lb., gained a 450-lb. deadlift and stopped running from the camera. Kenny Kicks Butt; Loses Gut Kenny had been in great shape all of his life. He played football in high school and baseball in college. But once he joined the working world, his fitness took a turn for the worse. […]
Living Better Podcast – Ep. 38 – How Sarah Palmer DeFrank Rewrote Her Story
Sarah Palmer DeFrank has been many things: Single mom. Broke graduate student. Chef. Overweight. Unhealthy. Unhappy. Listen and learn how she used CrossFit to rewrite her story. How Sarah Palmer DeFrank Rewrote Her Story Sarah used to cry at her kitchen table after workouts. She thought she was no good, and couldn’t understand how it […]