A couple of weeks ago I was in London working with Thames CrossFit, our other gym. I sat down with Phil Morton, an owner, head coach, and all around interesting guy to hear about his story.

Phil’s Story.

phil squatPhil Morton has been doing CrossFit since 2009, and started as one of the original members of Thames CrossFit. At 59kg (133 lbs), he was a skinny guy who’s idea of fitness was running long distances.

Hear the story of how he started, what his biggest challenges were, and how cutting out all long distance work and training with weights improved his endurance.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Who Phil is, and why he started CrossFit.
  • How Phil went from “skinny kid” to weightlifter.
  • The mindset change Phil went through to transform “workouts” to something he looks forward to.
  • What Phil does to embrace the journey, not to just focus on results.
  • How to overcome the most common fear new CrossFitters face.

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Workout of the Day:

Wall balls
Hang power cleans

Workout of the Day:
5 Rounds for time of:
20 Wallballs 20/14
10 Hang Power Cleans 155/105

Coaches’ notes:
Scale down to a weight you can handle for both. It should be heavy, not impossible on the hang power cleans. You should be able to do at least 5-7 in the first round.


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Jay Williams, Founder

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