Am I overtraining?
This week’s podcast talks about overtraining, what it looks/feels like, what it leads to, and how to avoid it. One of the common knocks on CrossFit is that we train too hard and get people hurt. While most of you know this is not the case, a lot of this stigma comes from the fact that some CrossFit boxes (and individuals) don’t recognize and prevent overtraining. It is just as important to know when to back off as it is to know when to hit it hard.
In this episode, you will learn:
- What is overtraining? How do I know if I’m overtrained?
- What is the difference between overtraining and under recovery?
- What are the 3 basics you MUST have nailed down to prevent overtraining.
- How to schedule your training to maximize recovery
- How to read the signs your body is giving you to tell you to rest
- What tools you can use at home to get an objective measure of recovery
- Why your “why” is a key factor in your training/recovery
Links and Resources for this Episode
- Measuring heart rate to check overtraining – click here
- A heart rate variability monitor you can use to tell if you’ve overtrained – click here
- Joel Jamieson, great resource for heart rate variability – click here
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Workout of the Day, 12-3-15:
Workout of the day:
5 rounds for time of:
7 deadlifts 275/185
30 sec L-sit
Coaches’ notes:
Go heavy and fast on this one.
Use parallettes for the l-sits. If you don’t have L-sits, do a plank on low rings. If you don’t have that, a regular plank or hollow hold.
Scale deadlift weights to something heavy, but manageable, if necessary.
REMINDER: There is no 6:30PM class for Thursday, Dec. 3. We are hosting our Mobility Workshop at 6:30PM.