Today’s topic is one of my favorites
Developing mental toughness at the gym.
My favorite part about training hard and overcoming obstacles at the gym is what it teaches me about myself. Hard fought mental toughness developed at the gym extends to every area of your life. Ever finish a workout, then go to work and think “nothing can be as bad as that workout, I’m going to CRUSH this day!”? Those are my favorite days.
Every time you learn a new skill you’ve been working hard on, set a new PR on a lift, or finish a workout you wanted to quit on, you are getting stronger. Today’s podcast explains what mental toughness is, why it’s important, and how you can develop more.
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why we make you do burpees if you say “I can’t” do something
- What mental toughness is and why it’s important
- Why change doesn’t just “happen” to you
- Why you can’t just show up to class and switch your brain off
- 4 ways to develop superior mental toughness
- How your coach can help you get tougher
Links and Resources for this Episode
- Sealfit – CrossFit style workouts developed for Navy seals to prep them for seal training – click here
- Positive self talk – a great talk about how to develop mental toughness by Greg Amundson (one of the original crossfitters) – click here
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Workout of the Day:
Squat clean
Squat clean
Coaches’ notes:
Your goal is to learn and improve your technique on the squat clean. Beginners, do the hang squat clean!
We will work on the movement extensively before starting the heavy weights. Focus on keeping the elbows up and landing with solid feet each time