This Monday marks 14 days since “shelter in place” began.

Keep it up! It’s making a difference.

Two weeks is long enough to force you to have to develop a new daily routine.

When it comes to fitness, this means addressing four key areas:

  • Training
  • Nutrition
  • Recovery (sleep)
  • Stress management

Nail these four and you will continue to progress in your fitness, even from home.

Over the weekend, a few of your coaches came together via the internet for a roundtable discussion to talk about how they are addressing these four areas for themselves.

Coach Wendy, Heidi, Rebecca and myself also give their best suggestions for things YOU can do to improve your own fitness routine.

In this podcast, we discuss:

  • designing a “starting” routine for exercise
  • The value of keeping a regular schedule
  • why it’s normal to want to overeat during this time
  • How to prevent gaining weight
  • our best tips for getting a great night sleep
  • how we really feel right before workouts

We know you’re going to get something useful out of it.

Coach “two weeks down!” Jay

Show notes

Announcements/Useful Things

Schedule Updates

CrossFit will now be offered Monday-Friday at 6:30am and Sat/Sun 9:30am. Mobility will be Mon/Thurs at 6:30pm, and we’re also adding a weekly Saturday Throwdown WOD. Check here for the latest & greatest. 

800 Gram Challenge

The 800g Challenge starts on Wednesday April 1st!

One simple rule…eat 800g of fruits and vegetables every day. That’s it!

The only thing you need to do to prepare is to have fruits and veggies in your house!

More details in your inbox tomorrow! Click here to watch the Ted talk about the challenge –

Google Earth for the Win!

Ever wonder how for “to the corner and back” ACTUALLY is?! Google Earth has a “measure” function. Download the app on your phone, or see the web version here. Plot your various run routes to the corner, around the block, or on your fav trails. Thanks, Dianne, for the tip!

Workouts for the Week



Warm Up:
6 min AMRAP:
200m Run
10 DB Rows
10 Goblet Squats
5 Push-up to Down Dog

A. Strength:
Unbroken DB Thrusters

*If you only have one lighter set of dumbbells, TEMPO will make these feel harder. 1-2-3-down-1-2-3-up should feel torturous! Make sure you breathe where you’re most comfortable, perhaps at the TOP of the press!

B. Metcon:
For Time:
800m Run
30 DB Thrusters
30 DB Bent Over Row
400m Run
30 DB Thrusters
30 DB Upright Row
200m Run
30 DB Thrusters
30 DB Push Press

Cool Down:
2 mins/side lizard or couch stretch
1 min/side pigeon stretch

It’s the thruster game today–in round 1, see if you can go 20, then 10, or as many as you can in set one. With less “rest” for your legs and arms (shorter run!), you may feel a little more pumped for rounds 2 and 3. Aim for SMOOTH sets as you go, perhaps breaking it up 3 times.


Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
100m Run
20 Single DB Front Squats
**20 Push Press (rnd 2)
***20 Thrusters (rnd 3)
5 Up-Downs over DB

16 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible
400m Run
20 Backpack/Single DB Thrusters
10 Burpees Over Backpack/DB
(Score is Rounds + Reps)

2-3 SETS
5/5 Arnold Presses
20 Alt. Object Slides
30 Russian Twists

Cool Down:
2 mins/side deltoid smash
1 min focused breathing: 4/4/8

This WOD should be a burner–3-4 rounds is definitely possible. Really try to push on the burpees–find a cadence that feels mildly UNsustainable…Chances are, you can power through 10 and use the run (at 70% effort!) as recovery.



Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Backpack/Plate G2OH
:30 BP/Plate OH Hold
25 Lateral Hops
5 Push-up to Pike

A. Strength
12 minutes, every minute on the minute
MIN 1 – 10 DB Bench Press
MIN 2 – 10-15 Diamond Push-ups
MIN 3 – :30 Wall Walk Hold/ HS

B. MetCon:
6 minutes, as many reps as possible:
MAX DB Bench Press
*Each break complete 7 Burpees.

(Score is Reps)

-2:00 Rest

6 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible
100m Run
10 Alt DB Snatch
(Score is Rounds + Reps, note in comments)

Cool Down:
2 mins/side doorway pec smash
2 mins/side doorway trap smash

OH HI, ARMS!!! Later in the 6 minutes, expect to be doing more burpees–it’ll turn into more cardio (plus push ups), but try to keep moving. Rest a little before you pick up your dumbbells to make sure you’re ready for a bigger set. If no bench available, prop shoulders up on medicine ball, stool, etc, and hip bridge up!


Warm Up:
3 minutes of skipping/agility drills

5 min AMRAP:
30s Squat Hold
10 Lateral Step Ups/Cossack Squats
10 T Push Ups

15 minutes, every minute on the minute
MIN 1 – :50 MAX Double-Unders or Air Squats
MIN 2 – :50 MAX Backpack/DB Lunges/Step Ups
MIN 3 – :50 MAX Plank Rotations

Score is total reps PER ROUND

Alternating Tabata
8 Rounds (:20 ON / :10 OFF)
1 – Hollow Rocks
2 – Sit-Ups

Cool Down:
1 min Cobra
1 min/Side Scorpion/Airplane Stretch

BREATHE into your ribs!

This is a great day to mix in some equipment if you have it–a jump rope would be fun, or mix in some step ups to a high deck/planter/whatever you have. Keep moving fast through each minute–legs will burn for the lunges, but you’ve got this!



Warm Up:
Tabata (8 Rounds, :20s on/:10s off)
1. Alternating: Mountain Climbers + Down Dog/Lunge Stretch
2. Alternating: Good Mornings + Side Plank (2 right, 2 left)

A. Strength
4 Rounds:
10 Slow DB Curls
10 Slow DB Sumo DL
1:00 Hollow Body Hold

Again, time under tension and TEMPO will make these feel heavier. Don’t rush!! Make sure you LOCK OUT your curls at the bottom. Flex yo’ triceps!

B. MetCon:
12 minutes, every minute on the minute
MIN 1 – :45 Shuttle Runs/Row
MIN 2 – 20 DB Suitcase Deadlift
MIN 3 – 7/7 DB Reverse Lunge

Cool Down:
2 mins/side high hamstring smash (on box/chair)
2 mins/side bicep stretch (T, on ground) or smash

Goal today is good quality work–be methodical with your strength movements and use your best possible form and balance for the deadlifts and the lunges. If needed, set up some targets or go just to mid shin on the deadlifts.


Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
10 SLOW Arm Haulers (like face down superman snow angels)
8 Bootstrap Stretch
6 Push-Up to Pike
4/4 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift

2 Rounds:
200m Jog
30s/side OH Hold (if DBs) OR 50m OH carry
10 Sumo Deadlifts

Warm Up:
6 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible
10 Lunges
:30 Single Under
10 Air Squats
:30 Deadbugs

5 Rounds for Time:
400m Backpack/Sandbag Run*
20 Backpack/DB Sumo DL
1:00 Backpack/DB (2) Overhead Hold

(Score is Time; 25:00 cap)

*If unable to run, wear backpack for 30 up downs

Cool Down: 
2 mins/foot lacrosse ball smash
2 mins/side BONE SAW

This one is all about the loaded run, and 5 rounds is a LOT! Get outside!



Warm Up:
6 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible
10 Lunges
:30 Single Under
10 Air Squats
:30 Deadbugs

*if no jump rope, sub “penguin” drill or fast feet/plate hops

A. Strength
10 minutes, every minute on the minute
MIN 1 – 12 DB Front Squats
MIN 2 -:40 Double Unders or Mountain Climbers

B. Metcon
For Time:
Air Squats
Double DB Russian Swing (or KB swing)
(Score is Time; 15:00 cap)

Cool Down:
2 mins/side low back smash
2 mins/side lacrosse ball collarbone/neck scrub (seated, by hand)

For the strength portion, go as heavy as possible on the squats–sub out a sandbag or heaviest object you can find to squat with. For the metcon, really make the swings about flexing your legs–it should feel more like a jump every time.


Warm Up:
Alt Tabata:
1-Up Downs/Dance Party
2-Lunge variation: back/forward/cossack/jumping

Alt Tabata:
1-Footwork drills–switches, fast feet, skiers, etc
2-Easy Push Ups

2 mins/side couch stretch

For Time:
Alt. Jumping Lunges
Backpack Floor Press
2fer Mountain Climbers*
*Opposite knee to opposite elbow, PER SIDE

Cool Down:
2 mins/side quad smash (focus just above knee)
2 mins/side tricep smash

Load up a backpack as heavy as you possibly can and get pumpin! You could also use dumbbells or if needed, a towel or resistance band to create tension & press.



Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
200m jog–>run–>run HARD
10 groiners/samson lunge
10 up downs
10 plank rotations w/pause
20 crab “rocks”

*In 3rd round, test your distance for the WOD. At a hard, 75-80% pace, this should be about 50 seconds. One minute, TOPS. For non runners–25 slam balls or 50 “penguins”

A. Strength
4 Rounds:
15 Slow Tuck-Ups
10 DB Push Press (w/ Slow Lower to Shoulder)
1:00 Plank Hold
(Score is Weight)

B. MetCon
Every 3:00 for 4 Rounds
200m run (HARD!)
10 V-Ups
10 DB Push Press
10 Burpees
(Score is Each Set for Time)

Cool Down:
2 mins/side achilles/heel scrub w/lacrosse ball (use hands)
2 mins/side foot smash


Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
200m Jog
20 DB Good Mornings (or put backpack ON!)
10 per side DB press (10 backpack push press)
5 Up-Down Step Up/Double Squat Up Downs

12 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible
10 Backpack/DB Clean & Jerks*
5 Burpee Over Backpack/DB or Box Jump
200m Run
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
*Hang cleans if using DBs/smaller bag

3 Rounds
2:00 Max Plank Hold*
20 Feet Together Squats
50m Farmer’s Carry–any heavy/awkward object

*Any variation of Plank Hold is allowed. Goal is to hold as long as possible. Use a low target for feet together hold

Cool Down:
3 mins breathing. Legs up wall or 90 degrees. 4 count in, 4 count hold, 8 count out. Option to smash upper/lower back.

Another fun chance to mix in some equipment: if you have a ledge/step/deck to jump to, use that for burpee box jumps.


Saturday Morning Throwdown

Three rounds for time of:
•Run 800 meters
•30 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (35/50)
•30 Burpees

This is a burly one. Looks so simple. Those squat cleans, though! If you have only lighter weight (i.e. you can do 10+ unbroken, scale up number of reps to 50…) Sub medicine ball cleans or odd object cleans if nothing else available.


Warm Up:
6 minute AMRAP:
20 jumping jacks
10 cossack squat w/pause
3 scorpion/airplanes per side
10 calf raises w/stretch at bottom

SALLY. Because your coaches love you.

A. Strength:
DOUBLE alternating Tabata (8 sets each; 8:00 total)
1. DB Bicep Curls
2. DB Deficit Push-up

Alternate back and forth between both movements for 2 Tabatas. Aim for a steady number of reps. Take a rest interval if things get sloppy!

B. MetCon:
16 minutes, as many rounds & reps as possible:
400m Run
20 Tuck Jumps
20 Up-Downs
20 DB Hang Power Cleans

Cool Down:
2 mins/side glute smash
2 mins/side lateral hip smash

So much jumping today. All about power. Take your time on the tuck jumps as you get tired–really pull your knees high and aim to hit your hands as targets. To scale away from jumping, try slam balls (or banded slams/rows)



Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
Skip around house/in place 1 minute
20 quadruped steps
10 woodpeckers
10/side standing high knee raise
1 perfect stretch/side

A. Strength
3 Rounds
8 Single Leg DB Deadlifts
8 SA DB Cleans
8 SA Front Rack DB Lunges
*1 Set = 8-8-8 on Both L/R Side
(Work up in weight if you have options. Otherwise, stay tight and work on impeccable balance!)

B. Metcon:
4 Rounds for Time
100′ DB Front Rack Walk
15 DBL DB Deadlifts
20 DB Thrusters
(Score is Time)

Cool Down:
2 mins breathing OUT into ribs
2 mins/side hamstring floss

Carrying and holding on to heavy things today–your grip and shoulders will be barking, for sure! Keep breathing throughout, especially on the carry. If you don’t have DBs, take the heaviest object you can for the walk, and sub out whatever weights you can for the DL and thrusters (i.e. KB)

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